News and Events

News and Events

10th World Congress of the ERAS Society

[ 18 / September / 2024 ]

Join us for the 10th World Congress of the ERAS Society
18-20 September, 2024 at the Hotel IPV Palace in Malaga Spain. Visit the 
2024 Congress Website for up to date information about the meeting. Details
for Housing, Registration, and Programming will be available soon.
Abstract Submission is Now Available
The ERAS Society is now accepting abstracts for the 10th World Congress. Please submit your abstracts today for consideration on the 2024 ERAS Scientific Program.
Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024 at 11:59PM ET
Download Abstract Submission Guidelines
ERAS Society 10th World Congress information can be found online:
ERAS 2023 Congress
500 Cummings Center, Suite 4400, Beverly, MA 01915
Tel: 978-927-8330 | Fax: 978-524-0461